Content Penalties

Our Content Penalties services

Panda Recovery Services
Google Panda polices the content of your website. If your traffic has taken a hit and there’s no obvious explanation, it might be that your content needs a boost. We can help you create content that users love, so your site passes the Panda test. Our SEO experts give you a specialised Panda recovery plan to help get your rankings back to where they were.
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Thin Content Penalty Recovery
If you’ve been given a penalty for ‘thin content with little or no added value’, you may have in danger of losing some serious traffic. You need a specialist recovery team who can analyse every page on your site to find out exactly what is getting tagged as thin content, then come up with an actionable plan to add value to it so you can get the penalty lifted.
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Guiding you through the terminology
What are content penalties?
Google cares about helping their searchers find high quality websites. What they consider to be high quality has never been entirely straightforward, and it evolves all the time. But one thing that is certain and will never chnage is that your content is one of the most important factors. The written text on the page, your images and videos, and the way they are built into the site and its navigation, anything that can be seen, read or watched is counted by Google when they appraise a site.
A few years ago, as part of a crackdown on content quality, Google introduced a new algorithm focus on penalising site with low quality content and usability called Panda, and alongside this they have also expanded their list of manual content penalties. If your content doesn’t meet their quality guidelines, one of two things could happen. You could be marked for a manual action, where a member of the search quality team personally slashes your rankings, or you could be sent tumbling down the results pages by the latest Panda update.
Your content has to provide value to your users. That’s the reality of running a successful online business today, especially if you rely on your website for customers. Depending on the type of business you run, that could be as simple as making sure your site is easy to navigate and your product descriptions are properly informative, but it obviously gets more complicated, and when optimisation is added into the mix things can go very wrong. If you’ve received a content penalty, it's likely that your content doesn’t quite come up to scratch or is over optimised.
What we can do
We specialise in helping businesses recover from Google penalties. We’re exclusively a search engine rescue and recovery team, made up of real experts with genuine penalty recovery experience. And since content has been central to ranking well in Google for so long, we’ve gotten pretty good at turning low grade, penalised content into a high quality, high value, high ranking asset.
We start by auditing your content. We know what Google hates to see, so we’ll be able to identify any instances of thin content, duplicate content, overoptimisation (or keyword stuffing), anything at all that might be letting your site down. Then, depending on how much help you need from us, we’ll make recommendations for where you can improve or build a complete content development plan for you.
Whatever you need, our service is designed to provide you with an actionable, cost-effective plan to recover from your content penalty, get your rankings back, and most importantly, secure your rankings for the future.
Are you ready to recover from your content penalty?
Our content penalty experts are ready to help you get back on track. Contact us today and we'll reach out within 24 hours.
How else we can help you

Forensic SEO
Recovering from a catastrophic traffic loss requires a laser-sharp understanding of your site’s inner and outer mechanisms. We put over 100 distinct components of your site under the microscope, producing a detailed analysis of your historic search visibility, dissecting your analytics data and working with enterprise-level software to find where the problem is exactly all so we can fix your rankings quickly, without disrupting the day-to-day running of your site.
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Getting your rankings back requires two things: a complete understanding of the problem and an actionable plan to recover from it. Our Forensic SEO experts have created numerous cost-effective recovery plans to help businesses get back on their feet after suffering a devastating loss in search engine traffic. Whether you’ve received a penalty or you’re getting attacked by malware or competitor tactics, or the problem is with your site, we’ll come up with a recovery plan that will fix the issue and help secure your rankings for the future.
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