Link Penalties

Our Link Penalties services

Manual Link Penalty Recovery
Have you been hit by a manual penalty? Your rankings could already be taking a plunge. We specialise in penalty removal and we've got a 100% success rate in getting manual penalties lifted. No matter why you've been penalised, we can identify the problem, resolve it, submit a reconsideration request on your behalf and get your business back on track.
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Penguin Recovery Services
If your backlinks are coming from suspicious sites, there's every chance Google Penguin will penalise your site eventually. Since Penguin updates very rarely, you really want to avoid being penalised. If you've been hit by Penguin we offer a specialist recovery plan designed to clean and strengthen your site, so you can reclaim your rankings when the next update rolls out.
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Link Cleaning
Getting hit by a Google link penalty can set your business back for months, so it's vital to remove any unnatural backlinks from your link profile. We offer a link cleaning service designed to remove any links that could draw a penalty. If you’ve already been hit by one, our robust link cleaning process will help it get lifted as soon as possible.
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Link Profiling
Your backlinks can help you identify new opportunities to expand your online presence, gain visibility on valuable keywords and warn you when you're in danger of drawing a painful penalty from Google. Our link profiling service evaluates every one of your backlinks individually, so you know exactly where the opportunities and potential pitfalls lie.
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Guiding you through the terminology
What are link penalties?
One of the main ways Google understands the value and relevance of your site (and where to rank you for the keyphrases your customers will use) is by looking at the links pointing to your site from other sites. The more links you have, the higher the quality of the sites linking to you and the more relevant the pages those links are coming from, the more appropriate and relevant your site is likely to be, and thus it will rank more favourably. Link building has been a staple of SEO agencies within recent years though Google has clamped down on sites that got ranked higher by purposefully building links from low quality sites without earning them.
You or your SEO agent may have engaged in this kind of link building in the past. Or maybe you’ve built links that were once good, but are now seen as low quality. Maybe you've been a victim of negative SEO from a competitor. Either way, if your backlinks fall below the quality standards laid out by Google’s guidelines, you’re in danger of being hit by a manual or algorithmic link penalty. There are two possible scenarios: either a member of Google’s webspam team will manually lower your rankings, decreasing your visibility and traffic numbers in turn, or your site could be caught by Penguin, the algorithm in charge of policing link profiles, which can then send you tumbling down the rankings.
What we can do
The most important thing for you is to find a penalty recovery service that understands the link profiling and cleaning process. We’ve built ours up by trial and error over many years and now have a proven system that analyses all your backlinks, cleans up the dodgy ones, secures your link profile against further risk and makes the necessary submissions to Google to get you out of trouble.
Depending on your penalty type, we may be able to get your site successfully cleaned within a matter of weeks. If you’ve received a manual penalty you’ll need to submit a reconsideration request to get it lifted, within which Google will want to see evidence of a robust link cleaning process. We've built the necessary documentation right into our process, which is why we have a 100% success rate in getting manual penalties lifted. If you’ve received a Penguin penalty, you may have to wait for the next algorithmic update to come around. In the meantime, we can get your link profile looking healthy and ready to be given the all clear.
Are you ready to recover from your link penalty?
Our link penalty experts are ready to help you get back on track. Contact us and we'll get in touch within 24 hours.
How else we can help you

Forensic SEO
Recovering from a catastrophic traffic loss requires a laser-sharp understanding of your site’s inner and outer mechanisms. We put over 100 distinct components of your site under the microscope, producing a detailed analysis of your historic search visibility, dissecting your analytics data and working with enterprise-level software to find where the problem is exactly all so we can fix your rankings quickly, without disrupting the day-to-day running of your site.
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Getting your rankings back requires two things: a complete understanding of the problem and an actionable plan to recover from it. Our Forensic SEO experts have created numerous cost-effective recovery plans to help businesses get back on their feet after suffering a devastating loss in search engine traffic. Whether you’ve received a penalty or you’re getting attacked by malware or competitor tactics, or the problem is with your site, we’ll come up with a recovery plan that will fix the issue and help secure your rankings for the future.
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